Saying Goodbye to Fiji

Bula from Fiji,

Our group’s stay in beautiful Fiji is coming to a close today.  We spent the last two weeks in the friendly village of Rewasa near the town of Rakiraki on the north side of Viti Levu island.  Our experiences inside the village will always and forever be remembered as a time where two cultures were able to share and take from one an other.  The group’s time in the village was filled with breathtaking hikes, communal Fijian meals, and opportunities to form memorable friendships with the village people.  Every minute of everyday students in our group were able to learn the Fijian way and help give back to a truly loving community.  Over the two weeks, our group and the village teamed up to help build concrete pathways by the village church.  I can speak for the entire group when I saw completing the project was extremely rewarding from start to finish.  Along with spending time in the village, our group had the opportunity to visit the Fiji Water Plant as well as a local Rakiraki Sugar Cane Mill.  Both tours were very fun and interesting.  Having to say goodbye to all of our new friends and families in the village was extremely hard, but our group is ready to tackle the new and exciting events awaiting in New Zealand.  We are currently enjoying a few free days at the Traveler’s Beach resort in the town of Nadi.  It has been so relaxing and nice to spend time with one an other on the beach preparing for our next stage on the trip.  Group dynamics could not be better as we continue on our journey throughout the South Pacific.

Until next time…

Patrick Inserra

Carpe Diem Education, Hongi Group Fall 2013IMG_1161[1]IMG_1272[1]IMG_1180[1]IMG_1397[1] IMG_1467[1] IMG_1491[1]