Sabai Sabai

Sabai, Sabai

Thailand, the Land of Smiles, and temples, rice paddies, forest villages, and tuk-tuks, pad thai and iced tea, farms and families, and soon a Carpe Diem group called Sabai. And on to Cambodia… big rivers and orange sunsets, markets and circuses, creativity and yearning, and in the jungle a lost ancient city found again.  

Unbelievable. Less than week from now, if all goes according to plan, Sabai will fly to Chiang Mai to begin our semester.

You’re probably growing excited about this journey, you may have some nervous energy about it, and questions. We, your overseas educators Soumya and Sheldon, have some, too.

Like why is it that people can meet as strangers and become family by the simple act of living and traveling together?

What’s the difference between experiential education and the simple act of living with intention and goodwill?

How much beauty and gratitude can one heart hold?  

We’re excited, too, over in Oregon, poring over the itinerary, making plans, practicing self-care, having gratuitous fun. And looking forward to seeing your smiling faces on the fourteenth.

Until then, stay present. When you eat, close your eyes, and taste that food. Visit your family and loved ones and listen, really listen, notice, and savor all the little things unique to them, feel those true feelings. Then let them go. They’ll take this journey with you, through this blog, yes. And also through the lessons and care they’ve already helped you learn over the years. 

The semester is almost here, but we’re not there yet. But if we just take care of this moment, what’s right in front of us, and then the next moment, and the next, minute by minute, day by day. We will be.

Sheldon and Soumya