Hola Group Quetzal!

Hola amigos!

Matt and Mara, this Fall’s Quetzal OEs, coming at you from Carpe Diem HQ in Portland, Oregon! We are incredibly excited for the upcoming semester and all the adventures that await us all. Our days at training have been filled with rich conversations, planning time, and plenty of laughter and games. We have been enjoying this time to reconnect with the greater Carpe community and prepare for the semester with a lot of intentionality.

Connecting with students and partners over the past week has us itching to get going! We can’t wait to eat some gallo pinto, trek past volcanoes, swim in the ocean, and hopefully learn a whole lot about Central America, the Spanish language, sustainability and whatever else comes up!

We hope all of you all are enjoying time connecting with family and friends as you prepare for the semester (and sleeping in your own beds). We are looking forward to all of the discoveries, challenges, connections, and lifelong memories that await. Hasta pronto!