IndiaNamaste India Groovers! We are currently in the wonderful food-filled city of Portland, Oregon. Check us out here, fully equipped with rain gear and warm layers, biking fearlessly on slippery streets to our office filled with files, tea, workshops, and all our friends preparing to venture off to distant lands with their own amazing groups. Though we will miss the cuisine and the coffee of the Pacific Northwest, we are super anxious for the warm air, penetrating scents, vibrant colors, and exhilarating tastes of mother India. To all the member of this semester’s India group, throw together your day pack, make sure knives are in your check in bag and your passport is in your money belt, and see you in San Francisco. All you friends and family out there, stay tuned to this blog so you can keep track of our journey across Northern India, and feel free to leave comments and send it to your friends. This blog is for you as much as it is for us. See ya’ll around the chai stand!