It's Iris here–I'm still alive. We're doing to scavenger hunt now in Chiang Mai and Hannah and I are totally gonna win. This is my first computer since Hong Kong and its all in Thai so I'm completely dumbfounded as to how to navigate anything. So far we've paraded around the city trying not to get hit by passing cars or motor bikes. The food has been AMAZING and nowhere near as spicy as I expected. The city is not as culture-shocking as I had imagined it to be. I mean sure there's no side walks and the pavement has giant holes leading into the unknown that I almost dropped my keys into but, it's really not so "shocking'. We live in a cushy hostel with hot showers and flushing toilets…but I know its not going to stay nice for long. In about two days we leave for our host families and we need to get creative when it comes to how to wipe our butts…

Daddy: I didn't open the present til we landed in Thailand. Thank you for my book :3
Mama: I'm ok 😛


iris-sabai iris-sabai2