Every Adventure Must Come to an End

Hello all blog followers,

First off, I would like to thank you for following our blog throughout the trip and for commenting and showing interest in our many adventures.  It has meant a lot to us 🙂

Now, on to the blog:

Monday morning we woke up super early and headed out to Fitzroy Island!  We spent Monday diving and snorkeling in the GREAT BARRIER REEF! It was breath takingly amazing.  Tuesday consisted of more diving and more snorkelling!  We got our certifications on Tuesday also, so we are now officially certified to dive for the rest of our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!




When we werent diving or snorkelling we were hanging out at our ridiculously nice resort that we were staying at.  Somehow after a trip of staying in shady hostels and spare rooms in peoples houses, our last few nights ended up being in an incredible resort where we had maids make our beds everyday.  What the hell?!?  It was awesome though and we all had a great time.

We spent our nights at Fitzroy talking about our experiences that we have all shared together in the last three months as a family.  We remembered funny, sad, serious, happy, shocking, and plain old crazy moments going over the entire three months.  We also talked a lot about what he have learned throughout the trip and how we have grown/changed over that time.  Oh, and we have a few surprises for you parents when we get home… mwahahahha.

ANYWAYS… Today is our last day together and we are all very sad to go, but understand that we all have amazing things ahead of us as well.  We are going to party super hard all day today, and that means a delicious BBQ in the park, dressing up funny, a traditional Indian dinner, gelato, and then some all nighter action.  Should be EPIC.

Thanks for reading yall, I hope you’ve enjoyed my crazed ramblings.

For the last time,

Yours truly,

Ori Michael Gutin