Dont Cry Because Its Over, Smile Because it Happened :D

Shalom everybody! (That hello in Hebrew if anyone was wondering…)

After we left the house of Buddha on Monday morning we began FREE TRAVEL!!! Wait wait wait.  Didn’t we already have free travel?  Oh what a good question Ori, but you see – our trip is sooooo awesome that we have two free travels! AHHH poop in my pants thats amazing!

So what did we do this past week? Lets reminisce…

Monday we hung out on the beach at Noosa Heads all day taking in the hot Australian sun, and dont worry mothers– we had our sunscreen on 😉  At night we had another outstanding group meeting led by Brian Hallberg the great!
Tuesday we took a day trip to Frazier Island! The day was full of bumpy roads, rainforests, SKINNY DIPPING, and colored sands.  Who ever knew colored sands could be so much fun…

Wednesday we learned how to surf! Well, really we learned to fall off of our boards a lot and to laugh at each other… Still loads of fun though 🙂 Then Jeff the magnificent came to pick us up and he took us back to his place to stay for the next two nights.

Thursday was our last hike as a group :'( It was an awesome hike through the amazing Australian rainforest.  We stopped for a while and wrote letters to our future selves about this trip and what we have learned and what we dont want to forget.  Who knows when Simone & Skyeler will send them to us… could be 1 year could be 10!

Friday we got ON A BUS and then got on a plane to Cairns!  This group really enjoys spending time in confined indoor spaces.. Once we got to Cairns we all just hungout and enjoyed the beautiful day.  At night we went for a nice walk in Munro Martin Park and we even met some of the nice locals! They wished us the best of luck in Munro Martin Park.  Then we got some ridiculously tasty gelato and headed home.

Saturday and Sunday we spent studying.  We studied math, physics and economics. HA Yeah right.  We were in a scuba course!  The course was a lot of fun and we had a ton of fun with our instructor Sir Matt!  On Sunday, Simone, Skyeler and Morgan also went snorkeling! They spotted lots of turtles because Morgan is some kind of turtle magnet…

Thats all I got for you folks.

Your dedicated blogger,



p.s- Hi Gutin family!  Hopefully you all check this blog so Im not talking to no one right now…