We did it!! Lago Atitlán Trek!

We did it!!!
We did it!!!

Written by Central America Students, Justin and Addie 

Second week in Xela! Moved in with our host families this week and got to immerse ourselves in the culture of Guatemala even further while practicing the Spanish skills we’ve been working on. Continuing our Spanish classes, we advanced our language skills even further. Throughout the week we spent time with our families, participated in group bonding activities such as karaoke, visits to the cemetery, and even more exploration of the city. Early Friday morning, we embarked on our biggest challenge yet, a three day trek consisting of twenty miles through the Guatemalan mountains. Starting from Xela, and ending in San Juan, Lake Atitlan. On our first day, we faced many challenges such as rain, thunder, and lightning. The steep downhill path in the mountains really added to the difficulty of the hike. On the second day, we started again. This time facing a sharp uphill climb through many different terrains of Guatemala. Finally, on the third and last day, we woke up extremely early to take a short hike up to a beautiful sunrise viewing platform, and finally ended in our destination, Lake Atitlán. A beautiful culture filled, collection of cities, all based around the Lake.

Our Top Three Highlights of the Week: 

🐟 Finally arriving in Lake Atitlan and getting to watch the sunrise over the Lake after our three day trek.

🎤 A fun night out to karaoke with the Carpe Diem group!!

👨‍👩‍👦 Becoming closer with our host families while we practiced our Spanish.

But transformation always comes with opportunities for growth: What were our main challenges this week? 

When asked what was the most challenging aspect of this week, the answer from most is clear; the TREK. Over 20 miles, expanding across multiple cities, terrains, and days full of walking with little sleep and early wake ups. Sleeping all together in the same room on yoga mats also did not aid to a good night’s sleep. We tested our limits to the max. We finally ended the hike suffering from extremely sore bodies, blisters on our feet, and lack of sleep. We finished in the end, content and with a sense of accomplishment. Reflecting on it, we enjoyed the challenge and are extremely proud of ourselves for what we accomplished.

What we’re grateful for this week: 

This week has shown us that we are really grateful for the loving and accepting nature of Guatemalan communities, our host families’ willingness to treat us like their own, and most of all for each other. We faced many challenges this week and really came to appreciate the little things in life we take for granted, especially our beds and pillows. Now in Lake Atitlan, coming up is an educational week filled with information about permaculture, sustainability, and the different effects of tourism. As well as exploring the town of Tzununá and relaxing by the lake!!!

A final note: Almost half way through and time is flying by!!! Excited for what’s to come, it’s been an unforgettable journey. -Justin and Addie 🙂

Hasta luego! ❤️ Spring 2023 Central America Semester