And Then There Was One

Lightning crackled across a dark grey sky, temporarily illuminating the faces of the twelve intrepid travelers sitting around the table in the Pucara community center. However, just outside the doors a crime of magnificent proportion was underway. Blissfully unaware of the larceny taking place outside, our jolly wayfarers drowned out the following clap of thunder with a raucous bout of laughter and other expressions of mirth. Half an hour passed… Read More

Local Ecuadorian Dance

Today we were walking the streets of Quito on a scavenger hunt when we were contacted by our OE’s. Topher and Lindsay proceeded to inform us of our “secret assignment.” We were to learn a few steps of a traditional Ecuadorian dance and teach it to the rest of the group. We hung up the pay phone and proceeded to ponder how on earth we were going to find a… Read More