This week on our reality tv show:

The group explored the ancient ruins at Pisac in the Sacred Valley, a site known as a close second only to Macchu Picchu! Jackie and I made friends with a most interesting Israeli traveler who aided us in bargaining for a ride back to the hostal (the price went from 20 to 2 by the time he was done!)

In Urabamba we found ourselves in the rambling garden hostal of a peaceful innkeeper and wonderful cook. From there we explored more of the valley.

During one of the days we took off for an incredible bike ride down the steep slopes of the mountains. We were flying down the mountain, in view of some of the most picteresqe scenes so far this trip, when my front handlebars began to shake. Flipping forward over the front I landed face-first on the ground. Feathers from my downjacket coated the road, as I repeated over and over again “Guys I lost my teeth!”

Luckily, as it turns out I didn’t lose any teeth…it was only a bit chipped! And I did finish the ride after taping my jacket back together. The next day Ryan took me to Cusco, and luckily I was able to see a dentist and get it all fixed up within the day!

Now we have entered the jungle and joined a tribe of monkies at our hostal here in Puerto Moldonado!

Until next time,