What’s up from Thailand!

Hey all you carpe diem students and/or followers,

This is Chris here with all the details on the SE Asia trip so far. So we have now been in SE Asia (Thailand to be exact) for 2 weeks exacly. Crazy right?!?! It’s funny because it feels like it’s been atleast a month because of all the wicked awesome things we have been doing so far. Some examples of our adventures thus far are visiting a Bhuddist temple, experiencing a snake show rather up close and personal, hiking between ten waterfalls, participated in a Wat (temple) cleaning session, and lived with individual families via homestays.

Which leads me to the next matter of business. What do our homestay lives look like?

-Very few speak English and if they do it’s a minimal amount

-We eat breakfast and dinner with our individual families. Those meals consist of rice, a form of meat, and egg most of the time.

– Everyone sleeps with a fan on. No matter what. The temperture here is on average 90 degrees and massively humid so it feels like you’re melting constantly.

-All the families are incredibly generous and treat us with the most respect I have ever seen someone give someone else.

-Showers range from bucket showers to normal showers and the tempertures of those showers range from freezing to really cold.

The average day for the SE Asia student at the moment usually goes as follows: Wake in the morning, eat breakfast with our family, take an aap naam (shower) , enjoy a two hour thai lesson, settle down for some group quality time, and then we rush off to our activity for the day. Most of us go to bed around 830 here and wake up between 6 and 7 which is really normal around here actually.

Anyway, here are some pics of what’s going on so far here and SE Asia will talk to you later.