Updates from Carpe HQ

Hello family and friends of Carpe Diem’s Central America groups!

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying following along with all the groups adventures so far.  I just wanted to touch base in the wake of the earthquake in Guatemala and reassure you that both groups were safely in Nicaragua at the time and have not been affected.

I also want to clarify that the affected area was actually a different San Marcos then where the groups were recently.  The group was staying in San Marcos La Laguna, on the shore of Lake Atitlan, and the place you might be reading about in the news as being heavily affected is a different San Marcos, up in the mountains close to the border with Mexico.

While this news is devastating and I very much feel for the families and communities affected, I am happy to report that all our students and local contacts are doing well.

All the best,

Heather Diamond, Program Director, Carpe Diem Education