Try the Train Chai ~ FREE TRAVEL!

Guys… we made it. And we’re going out with a bang > a camel safari, an Indian wedding and the Taj Mahal in 7 days? With three trains, two buses and innumerable auto-rickshaws, it’s possible.
We spent the first days of our free travel continuing our stay in Mcleod Ganj. On December 2nd we left our Tibetan homestay families with an exchange of white scarves and satisfied our sweet… teeth with Tibetan nut bars, yummy chocolate coconut and cookie treats, easily a group favorite.
Next, a blur of buses, a dirt and blood stained hostel, a disappointed Sikh restaurant owner with beautiful sad eyes, a rickshaw, a 14 hour train ride, birthday M&M’s, games of Tai-Pan and finally, Bikaner!
Something of a little sister to Jaipur, Bikaner is a desert city famous for it’s sweets. However, our experience in Bikaner was not quite as sweet as one might expect. A twisted, perhaps movie-worthy chain of events unfolded during our stay in Bikaner, all having to do with a certain secretive “Camel Man” and the strange agenda of a city wide web of watchful eyes… I fear that no more can be said, except perhaps that in Bikaner the term tourist trap has taken a BRAND new meaning.
Besides fearing for our lives, Bikaner offered us another surprise in the form of a long awaited, perfectly timed, much wished for Indian wedding. Our presence was met with much excitement and energy.
After countless plates of sweets, hundreds of beautiful saris, and one grandious ceremony we left with smiles on our faces, and our stomachs bursting.

More to come, Taj Mahal – the largest jewel on earth, an ending in Delhi and… mothers beware… another unexpected wedding?!?!
game changer.