Scavanger Hunt post from Avery, Brittany and Chris

Made it to Guatemala safe and sound! The mountains are absolutely beautiful, as well as parts of the culture we have experienced so far. The food is even better… they put pineapple in everything, which kind of gives us an excuse not to leave haha. There are so many dogs in the street and it makes us want to love all of them, but foreign diseases are not a good thing. Our group members are great, and we are all becoming like family in such a short ammount of time; it’s actually crazy to think that we only met three days ago. We are moving in to homestays on Sunday, which I’m really excited about. We also got invitations to watch the political debate at the US embassy, which I thought would be wicked cool- sadly, we are about three hours from Guatemala City, which is where the embassy is located. Yesterday was Guatemala’s Independence Day and we walked around the town plaza looking at all of the celebrations going on. There were fireworks, music, parades, and so many people! It was truly magnificent. All of the street food looks and smells absolutely delicious to the point where all of our mouths water as we pass through. Our OE’s are the sweetest, most supportive instructors we’ve ever had, which makes all of this durastic change so much easier. They also make sure we have personal time, which we use to play cards (cards against humanity, provided by Avery, has been a favorite), work out circuits, yoga, writing, drawing, and so much more. All of us are truly living the life. šŸ™‚

Talk to you soon,

Avery, Britt, and Chris