S21 and The Killing Feilds

Hello everyone !

For our last day in Cambodia we visited S21 and the Killing feilds. S21 was formerly a high school that was transformed into a prision during the Kemer Rouge. It now serves as a genocide musem. I think our group could agree that it was one of the more intense places that we have visited.  S21 is full of jail cells, interrogation rooms, and tourture instruments that were used during the time. It was heatbreaking to see what happened to the people here, and it is scary to think that it was not that long ago.After that we took a tuk tuk to the Killing Feilds. We saw the grounds by walking around with an audio tour. Even though these were not joyful places to visit, I think our group can agree that it was still interesting and important to see. At the Killing Feilds there is a memorial built that houses thousands of human skulls, seeing this was enough to make anyone think about the events that occured here. At our group meeting we discussed how terrible it is that people could do that to other people.

On a more joyful notes, we are now in Vietnam!! We were all happy that the border crossing from Cambodia to Vietnam was alot easier and far less stressful. We are in Ho Chi Minh city (and loving it so far)  for the next few days and will soon start our free travel plans.

talk to everyone soon,
