Mystical Yoga Farm in Guatemala!

I have only been at the Mystical Yoga Farm for a month now but I can already say with some confidence that I will remember my time here as one of the the formative experiences of my young life. I came here with the intention of seeing and experiencing my life in a new way and I have already done that more than I ever expected. There is so much wisdom and experience here that has been shared with me by some really incredible people and this place has also allowed me to learn so much on my own. I have had the opportunity to be around a meditation master for a whole month and do daily workshops and talks with him, which has been very valuable for my practice. He has also been completely available for any emotional support anyone needs along the way which has been awesome. I have had ups and downs here, but that is what has made the time so well spent. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned here is that without accepting the downs in life, we cannot be whole. You will not experience any lasting peace or oneness in life if you push away the “bad”, which comprises a large percentage of our existence. Accepting the “bad” has been a main goal of mine here and this is a great supportive community to work on it. Living in a small community with people who are also pursuing a spiritual path with the intent of knowing themselves better has been really nice. I have realized that these are the people I feel most at home with. Working on the farm here has been a refreshing change from being cooped up in my house in New Jersey. About a week into my time here I found myself revelling in the rain and mud while digging a trench for some new piping and I realized how awesome it is to feel connected with nature. I have also realized that connecting with nature takes a good amount of connection with your body and doing yoga almost every day has really helped me with that. Despite my rather impressive inflexibility I have enjoyed pushing my limits and finding stability and rhythm in my body. I am also kind of back to square one in that I am learning to breath all over again. Mystical yoga farm has been changing me on a very fundamental level. I am very excited to see where it takes me in the next two months.
