Massai wandering

So we know you weren’t expecting to hear from us for a few more days but we had the opportunity to post early so we thought we would update you!! We have been in the village with the Massai since Saturday. We are camping next to the primary school where we have spent a lot of time working. We are helping to build a road for cars to be able to use during the rainy season when it gets really muddy. The concrete work is very difficult but everyone is working so well together and keeping such a positive attitude that the days are flying by. We’ve been spending the extra time doing things in the community like attending a ceremony and going on hikes with our guide Alan.The scenery here in the foothills of Mt. Meru is stunning and we got some great pictures while hiking along the ridges. We even met some adorable baby goats! Every time we hike we end up with a group of local kids following us. They’re fascinated by us “wazungu” and always love trying to communicate in English and Kiswahili as well as taking plenty of funny pictures. The kids at the primary school always surround us whenever they’re let out for break. They love learning our names, giving us high fives and running around school with us. We’ve also been spending a lot of time as a group just enjoying each others company. We will all come home really good at playing cards. there have been some pretty competitive games of spades going on! We also did another music night, where everyone shared a song with the group. Its really nice to just sit together and listen to some great music. Alan even shared some of his favorites! Yesterday after finishing four concrete slabs we went down to the soccer field at the school and played a game with local kids, student teachers and some of the Massai Wanderings staff who are with us this week. Even though some of us with no “football” experience whatsoever had a great time. Especially when it started raining a little and we got to see an amazing double rainbow! We’ve been continuing what we did in Njombe with Ohana Amani by coming together before dinner every night and voicing appreciations we have. Its great to hear people acknowledging each other for the little things everyone is doing.we are looking forward to going on another hike this afternoon at a beautiful area near our campsite and of course we are so excited for safari in a few days!!