Looking back on San Marcos

This is a bit late as the group is already about to leave our first city in Nicaragua (Leon), but better late then never. Looking back on San Marcos our time was both amazing but also a bit detrimental. While in that kind of environment, I, aswell as many of the group members found it difficult not to slip into the tourist mentality. I know personally my Spanish was rarely used if ever, and most of my interactions involved spending some amount of money. While we all agreed that San Marcos was insanely gorgeous and a fantastic stop for ITZA, the switch was a bit difficult coming into Leon, a city much more similar to Guatemala´s Xela. But thats not to say that our time in San Marcos was ill spent. The group enjoyed some of the many classes and activities that were offered with great enthusiasm. Most of the group took one or more classes with the most popular being Deep Tissue massage. My friends took to it quite quicktly and most nights could be seen practicing on eachother; giving and reciving massages in our hostels bungalo. Our days were spent with great food and amazing sights, all with an air of peacefull serenity. I myself took an Indian head massage course as well as two drum classes on the banks of Lago Atitlan with a wonderful lady named Tatiana.  After drumming in the states for more then 11 years, I felt like I knew most of the rythms she would show me, but I was sorely mistaken. Our lessons put me in total awe; and towards the end, when Tatiana, James (our leader) and myself were all playing in unison I honestly felt connected in a different way with the rythm and the drum itself and the land. It was an experience I will never forget.

One of the best experiences of the week for me was jumping from a platform and viewpoint in the town´s forrest reserve. It was about 7 meters up overlooking the lake. It was easily the nicest place Ive ever jumped from and the water of Lago Atitlan was cleansing to say the least. From that same viewpoint part of our group watched the sunrise over the lake, and Tom and I did some sunset jumps.  Although we were all sad to leave we were enthusiastic about traveling to Nicargua. The plane rides went smoothly and the whole group made it safe and sound. More on Leon and the rest of Nicaragua should be coming soon.

Here are some photos of San Marcos and Leon.

All the best
Jesse and Tom