Learning Swahili in Iringa!

Mambo friends and famiy!

This week we traveled by bus from the hot and sunny Morogoro to the beautiful mountain city of Iringa. There we began our daily language classes at Rivervalley Campsite with our amazing teacher, Kiobiya. In just 5 days and 20 hours we all have a pretty decent working knowledge of Kiswahili and we have all been very excited to try out our new skills. During the time that weren’t busy learning we took a few short hikes in the area surrounding our camp. The first day we found an awesome waterfall and on the third day we were lead to a small stone age site, just 30 mins from our camp! We all enjoyed our time at Rivervalley, but today as we left we all were excited to get back into a city and start using our newly aquired Kiswahili skills. This morning we traveled again by bus, about 4 hours south from Iriniga to Njombe. From here we will begin working with Ohana Amani. We’re sorry there isn’t much more to report on but there will be much more to come in the next few weeks!

This is the stone age site!stone age site

and here is our waterfall hike!waterfall hike at rivervalley