Undeniably Grateful: Kelli’s Latitudes Year in Spain

Da beach
Da beach

Written by Kelli Parker, 2022-23 Latitudes Student 

This semester was overwhelmingly empowering. I flew halfway across the country by myself and somehow managed to get myself to all the places I needed to be. Just for some context, I’m extremely directionally challenged. Like, extremely. So, just that was an accomplishment for me, but the other great thing was how out of my comfort zone it pushed me. I was forced (willingly) into these situations I didn’t know how to exactly navigate. However, I got through them and gained so much knowledge. I met so many amazing people from all over the world and learned about so many cultures. It’s safe to say I’m officially immune to culture shock. This semester has been a range of emotions, but I’ve learned more about myself and others than I ever have before.

Carpe Diem: What has challenged you about this experience so far? 

Kelli: The challenges in this semester were expected, but still very difficult. The previous group semester was so different because there was a web of people around me that I created such deep connections with and I knew – going into this semester – being completely alone was gonna be the hardest challenge. However, what I didn’t expect was how easy it is to make friends abroad. I made three new friends my first day at my Spanish School. Somehow I had walked all across the city of Málaga by the first week on fun walks with friends. Although there were lonely times, it was always easy to schedule plans with a friend when needed.

Carpe Diem: What have been some of the top highlights? 

Kelli: My highlights for this trip are filled with music, laughter, and dogs mostly. But the city of Málaga is full of music and everywhere you look is completely beautiful in its own unique way. So, just the view with the music is unbelievable. Sometimes it feels like I’m in a movie. Also, being with the children I work with brings me so much joy. Even though, I sometimes don’t always understand what they say, we always have a fun time. The kids are so intelligent and happy – they really remind me not to always take life so seriously. Last, but not least, the Spanish school, OnSpain, was so amazing. I learned so much Spanish and improved greatly. The professors are so great and interactive. The classes are fun and entertaining. I never felt bored of class and it was like having a conversation with friends, but in Spanish!

Carpe Diem: What have you learned about yourself? 

Kelli: Throughout this trip, I have learned a great deal about myself and the world. I realized there are so many more opportunities available that I didn’t know about before. In this realization, I feel more excited for my future and for all the opportunities that are waiting for me. The United States has a way of making you feel like you have to take this one path to success and happiness, but this experience has completely changed that for me. I’m so extremely grateful to have experienced this experience on both semesters I don’t think I could have ever learned or got what I got from this trip any other way. I truly feel a different person more enlightened and self aware. I am undeniably grateful.

Inspired by Kelli’s gap year? Learn more about the Latitudes Year and carve out your own journey!