Its Hot Tuna here with ya’lls catch of the week from Featherston,NZ! We had a hoot of a time at dat racehorse lodge we stayed at. I just dont even know were to begin. Firstly it appeared to a few people dat the place we was stayin at was haunted of sorts, So da sage master decided to have a saging of sorts and done did send all da bad mojo out of dat place, which was much appreciated by all. We also went to the local place of learning, i think they called it a skool or school of some sorts. While there and helpin the little ones rip some weeds up someone may or may not of torn a hole in the side of a hornets nest burried with in the earth. Dem hornets didnt take to kindly to it and decided to chase us down da hill, luckily we got away with no casualties. After that we headed over to get in on some trench warfare action, man being underneath the rear of a milkin cow in a trench whilst trying to attach dem automatic suction things, well lets just say yer bound to get tagged by one of em… But we all done took it in stride and had a grand ole time milking dem cows! Enough about what we did though and time to put the old hot tuna character away. On a more serious note we had an amazing time at the racetrack and had some truly ground breaking experiences which included all that was mentioned above, as well as a sage session under the full moon, surrounded by the people who started out as complete strangers in LAX on valentines day and have blossomed into a beautiful thriving family of 11. Looking up at the sky we took time to appreciate the beauty of life, the world and everything it has to offer, and most importantly we took time to appreciate each other. We hiked together, cooked together, got chased by wasps together, and cows got the better of us with their rears together, and yet through out it all there was never once a complaint, yet instead there was a smile and laughter from each and every one of us. So as i leave you with this update i ask that the next time something seems hard, scary, laborious, or down right dirty, that you think of this post and do it with a smile and a whole ton of laughs. Much love from Hot Tuna and the FANZ HONGI Group.