homestays outside Mae Rim


Sa-wat-dee-kha! Indy here. It’s kinda hard to speak for the group this week, since we’re all at separate homestays in a village outside Mae Rim, but I’ll do the best I can!

Each morning, we meet up at the Ajun Petchara’s eco lodge, where we take Thai language lessons! I personally am doing alright with the language, but it’s pretty difficult. Still, the lessons are fun. Our homework one night was to ask our families for Thai names. Mine is Naai, which means “leader” or “powerful.” Huh. Today we have the day off so we’re at an internet cafe in Mae Rim (we took tuk-tuks to get here!) and later we’re all going to a waterfall to swim.

In the evenings, we have free time, and my homestay mom (Mae Suan) always goes to group dance (it’s kinda like zumba), which I really enjoy. Some of the others go with (or without) their families as well, and it’s a good time.

Yesterday, instead of lessons, we went to a place where some university students taught us traditional thai musical instruments and dance, and then made Pad Thai for us for lunch (so good!). There are some picures of us trying to play the instruments and us with metal things for our fingers (for thai dance). All of the pictures here are from Topher.

The other pictures are one from one of the wats in Chiang Mai, and another of all our hands around our little nature design we made as a group at our hostel in Chiang Mai.

A couple days ago, we assigned our rotation of group roles. This week, my job is to update the blog… okay, so far, so good on that. Cole and Amby are our group leaders this week.

Everyone seems to be doing well! Hello to all our friends and family.

-indigo (indy)




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