Hola from Quito!

This is Aden Brown writing to you, our adoring fans, from an internet cafe in Quito- along with Ashley Bruce and Logan Fry.  I am currently writing at a rate of  1 cent per minute so… we have some time.

Quito is an interesting city.   There are very few apartment buildings- the streets are lined with small shops.  Think CVS but smaller and with fewer product options.  The housing complexes and hostels in the more residential section of the city are pretty, but share a common trait that is, at first, a little bizarre: Every building has a massive fence surrounding it.  The fences are often lined with nails or shards of glass.  According to Teddy, one of our program leaders, this is as much a cultural tradition as it is for safety.

In the past few horas we have run into the language barrier many times.  Logan was trying to acquire probiotics from a pharmacy we stopped by.   It took 10 minutes, and some intense acting skills, but it worked out in the end.

Hope everyone back home is doing well without us!

Aden, Logan, and Ashley signing off.