Hello Australia

Hey family and friends,

We just arrived in the small town of Noosa, Australia. Our 5 day stay at the Chenrezig Buddhist Institute was a great place to clear our minds and relax which was much needed after the past week. Unfortunately we lost two group members our last night in New Zealand. We were all heartbroken saying goodbye and have been adjusting to the loss of their presence since. However we are grateful for the unforgettable times and experiences we got to share with them. Our 3 day coastal trek now serves as a great memory of the last time our group was together. We love you guys and miss you already.

We are loving the hostel we are currently staying at in Noosa and can’t wait for the next few days here. Some of the group members are heading out for surf lessons as we speak. We will be having our thanksgiving meal this thursday because on the 28th our group will be split in half at CVA. We will be missing all you more than usual as we celebrate thanksgiving miles away from home. After learning that we do not have access to an oven, we have made the group decision to have Thai! Much love and we’ll see you all in a month!!

Love G

Gearing up for the 4 mile kayak
Gearing up for the 4 mile kayak

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Petey didn't hesitate taking Ryan up on his offer to piggy back him across the water
Petey didn’t hesitate taking Ryan up on his offer to piggy back him across the water


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25km later
25km later