Greetings From New Zealand!

Hello all friends and family! Today marks our last night in Plimmerton as well as our orientation. We’ve had an amazing past couple days getting to know each other, checking out local sights, and setting our intentions for the next three months.

The weather has been pretty cloudy and rainy here but it has in no way dampened our spirits. Our group has grown from strangers to family in a matter of days. We have had a good chance to get to know the area through walks along the shore, a scavenger hunt around Wellington, picnics next to the water and much, much more. Although we will all miss the view from our quaint hostle in Plimmerton, we are excited to keep moving. Our next destination is Blue Mountain Adventure Center where we will spend the next week doing an assortment of outdoor activities.

It is regretfull that I have to inform you that we will not be posting pictures this week due to lack of technology and internet service.

We will write again soon!

XOXO Inga and Allie