
The last day of latitudes orientation in Portland, the day we left for India, these words were swirling around in my head:

I am grateful to be
Heart beating, lungs breathing
So joyus and free
And even though the hard times are all around me,
I am grateful to be.

Like the birds in the sky
Like a dragonfly
And even like the trees all shimmering and free,
I am grateful to be.

Today is my last day in India and these words still illustrate my emotions. I am beyond blessed to have been on this incredible journey the past three months and I am feeling ready to take on the world! I cannot thank my leaders, Ben and Carly for their constant support and all that they have taught me. To my Carpe brothers and sisters, I still can’t believe we didn’t know each other ninety days ago. I feel so connected to you all there’s a special place for you all in my heart. Being away from mom and dad has been hard, but everyday I would just think of them and express my gratitude for enabling me to experience this adventure. Every moment in India has made an impact on my life and I am so thankful for every second of it. This trip was once a part of my wild pisces fantasies, and I am still asking myself, “Is this real life?”. I cannot express how appreciative I am and how much love I have in my heart because of this. Just.. thank you, I am living in a dream! Love, light, and beauty to all; Namaste Carpe!



