Gigante y Leon

¡Hola Amigos!

As our time with Project WOO ( came to an end, we reflected back on the amazing week we had.  Who could forget all the hard work that we put into the repair and beautification of the elementary school´s fence, the time we put in teaching lessons, and the rewarding experience of working alongside the members of the community, children and adults alike?  In addition, our free time was packed with a multitude of unforgettable experiences.  On Saturday, all the members of the group had the opportunity to take surf lessons at sunset on the beautiful beach of Playa Amarillo (courtesy of Bo and Lisa, our amazing program directors).  The following day many of us rented surf boards to test out our new surfing skills, repelled off of el Pie del Gigante (a 200 ft cliff), went swimming in a bio-luminescent bay, and finished off the day with a bonfire on the beach.  Others decided to opt for a day of deep sea fishing, swimming, and tanning.  Overall, Playa Gigante easily shaped up to be one of our favorite locations of the trip.  It was with heavy hearts that we left our friends at Project WOO and headed onto our next location, Leon Nicaragua.  After six hours of sing-a-longs to 80´s pop music, we arrived at the Dariana Language school, where we were paired off and sent to our homestays.  We had the rest of the day to relax, settle in, and do some laundry.  The next day we were up bright and early for our first day of class, and it wasn´t long till we settled back into the Spanish School routine.  We visited the largest Cathedral in Central America with our teachers, and afterwards, as a group, ventured to the Museum of Myths and Legends.  For the rest of the afternoon we relaxed, and some of us visited our favorite cafe, Pan y Paz.  On Friday, we played a multitude of Spanish-oriented games in school, and then got together for our weekly group meeting to discuss free travel plans.  That night, some of us went out for some Friday fun at the local karaoke bar (shout out to Miranda for her riveting and inspiring performance of My Heart Will Go On) and went dancing afterwards.  All in all, it was a fantastic week.  Also, we would like to apologize for the lateness of the blog, we are almost caught up! Lots of love for everyone back home from the maya crew, see you all in two short weeks!

