FREE TRAVEL! Que tuanes!

Hello everyone!
This week is our student directed travel week! The whole group decided to go to San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua. Which is known as a party city in Nica. Around San Juan there are beautiful beaches like Playa Hermosa. A really nice beach with perfect surf waves for beginners and advanced surfers. The surfing was really awesome but hard. The waves looked pretty big but not strong or hard. The other nice beaches around us were called Maderas and Remanso.
Everybody could do whatever they wanted to do because it is our student directed travel. We could also decide what kind of activities we wanted to do. So one night we had a karaoke night, that was really funny and almost everybody sang. During the days some people were also shopping, and there were some pretty cool stores. During this week it was Nola’s birthday, she really wanted to go out for dinner with the group and she could decide what restaurant. So she chose a tapas restaurant which had amazing food and was really fun. We had one day that the group had to plan a group activity, it was a fun movie night with popcorn and a lot of snacks. The owner of Bona Fida is also the manager of the hostel we stayed in, so just by chance we were able to have the opportunity to debrief about our time at the farm.
The day before thanksgiving we went to Costa Rica. At the border of Nicaragua and Costa Rica there were a lot of Cubans who can not cross the border, that was really sad. After a long bus ride of 5 hours we arrived in San Jose, a big city.

How we say goodbye dutch: doei!


