Final Days In Fiji

Written By Lydia

After a sad farewell to Nakuku, we piled in the truck to head back to Savusavu, where we went scuba diving for a few days. For most of us, it was our first time diving, and the experience was surreal. We saw so many cool fish and beautiful coral, and we learned many skills to get our open water certifications. While we were diving we stayed at a placed called the “Pristine Lodge” with a man named Shanqar, who Thomas quickly named as his new “Tata”. This name came about after Thomas lost his passport and, thinking that he would be staying in Fiji for four more weeks, decided he needed a new Tata to stay with. Of course, shortly after, Bria and Thomas left us to head to Suva to try to get Thomas a new passport so he could indeed leave Fiji on time. On our last day in Savusavu, Tata made us a huge feast of Indian food which we all devoured quickly, as we were hungry from scuba diving and had acquired big appetites from our time at the village. The next day, we hopped back on the bus ferry to go back to Suva, where we met back up with Bria, Thomas, and a new passport, thankfully, and prepared for our trip back to Nadi. The next day, we hopped back on Nazil’s adventure bus, and headed back to Nadi, making a few stops at a huge sand dune and a nice beach, where we got caught in hurricane like waves and rain but still had a great time. We arrived at our hostel (which was on the beach!) and had a nice, relaxing night, preparing ourselves for the next two travel days to Australia. The next morning, we said mode to Fiji and boarded our plane to Auckland, to transfer to one headed to Brisbane, where we spent the night in “Hotel Car Rental” (the carpet in front of the car rental desk) until we got on our plane the next day to Cairns, got in our new van and headed up to Sheoak Ridge, where our next adventures await!