

We have now been in India for two days, and we have all seen things unimaginable. Nobody has been sick, although double dragon has been talked about heavily. We all make great use of our Steripens, and all group members get along great! Yesterday the Shiva group went to the Lotus Temple, which was one of the most amazing structures I have ever seen. The locals treat us as if we are celebrities and constantly ask us to pose for photos with them. I’m currently sitting next to fellow Carpe adventurist Colleen in an internet cafe in Delhi. We are on a scavenger hunt experiencing free travel for the first time. We caught our first rickshaw ride today, and haggled the price with the driver. We ended up spending 100 rupees, which our OE’s told us was a fair price. So far experiencing India has been amazing and I have learned more about myself these past couple days than I ever imagined possible. Well, back to the scavenger hunt! Colleen and I have lots more to accomplish with very little time. I will continue to challenge myself in many different aspects.
