Currently a Kiwi!

For the past 5 days the Hongi group has been staying on a farm on the North Islands of New Zealand. Shela (farm owner) has been having us work everyday from 8 – 12 with jobs such as herding cows, cleaning cow pies, and planting hundreds and hundreds of trees. I can speak for everyone when I say there is not one thing we can complain about. After our working hours we do nothing but sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the farm life… ( Not to add were sitting dead in the middle of New Zealand’s beautiful farm land) Our free time consists of lots of reading, adventuring, eating tons of delicious foods, and if were lucky, Shela allows us to watch a movie after dinner till 10. Life is just peachy!




Here are some pictures of most of the group, we will try to post a whole group shot soon.

Working hard
Working hard
Look at the view
Still working hard 
Who doesn't like baby cows?
Who doesn’t like baby cows?
In NZ more sheep than people!
In New Zealand there are more sheep than people!