Creative writing about Thailand

Hello everybody! This is Karenna!

As a CDL we learnedpracticed about creative writing and we all made a piece about our time in Thailand.

Here is my piece about the trek we took in our first couple weeks if our journey so long ago: The very familiar weight of my pack hugs and caresses my shoulders and hips as we begin our accent into unfamiliar yet homelike nature. As my steps begin to run together my mind enters a blissful state of lull thoughts and emptiness. I am alone on a track with 11 others.  the sound and feel of nature will be the same no matter where in the world i am, it is the best sanctuary. the rustle of a small breeze through the viney trees brings a sigh of relief from the unforgiving heat.  Within minuets we are all drenched in sweat- wonderful active sweat- the type you get from actually working.  This is the first real exercise most have us have gotten since we left home all to long ago.  My mind wanders from moment to moment about the trip so far and where it is to go- then back home to the life i left and of course the starkly contrasting weather.  Walking with a pack on my back engrosses me in the moment in the past and in the future.  It is the monotonous steps and true alone time that bring out the most of any person.  THe unfamiliar trees provide the greatest relief of shade – as their intertwining branches flow like rope.  There gigantic prehistoric leaves shelter us beneath the canopy.  Hot and sweaty we progress living in the monotony of our own steps hating and loving every moment.  Birds twitter, wind sighs, feet drag, rocks tumble, we progress.  Take it in let it out.  laugh and silence.  the trees envelope us and our thoughts- our feet treading the same path but our minds on different roads.