Homestays & New Skills in San Juan

paddleboarding boat lake mountain
Paddle boarding with a view

Written by Central America Students, April & Ozzy  

This week we were presented with more of a mental challenge than a physical one. We traveled across the lake on a boat to San Juan, then went to our separate home stays and started Spanish classes as well as skill-based classes.

Our top highlights of the week:  

🎨 To start off the week, we all had different classes teaching us cultural skills. Those classes were Tejido (weaving), Music, Jaspe (tie dye), and Painting.

🐟 Then on Saturday, we had a chill and relaxed swimming day at Lago Atitlán.

⚽️ On Sunday, we all attended the local San Juan fútbol game and got to bond with the locals.

But transformation always comes with opportunities for growth: What were our main challenges this week? 

Something the group was very challenged with this week is feeling a bit tired and mentally drained instead of physically drained, compared to last week. People persevered through the challenges and continued to keep positive attitudes throughout the week.

What has surprised us this week: 

Something that surprised us this week was being more independent than usual. I think that some of the group has become more independent and learned to grow on their own. The group seems to be maintaining positive attitudes through sickness and classes. The group seems to be doing really well and we are getting closer every week.

What’s coming up next week? 

Next week, we are excited for our student directed travel! We are really grateful for out Spanish teachers and the opportunities we have with our host families.

Hasta luego! ❤️ Spring 2023 Central America Semester