Thank You, India

Thank you, India, for letting me squeeze into your overcrowded population for the past 3 months. You have taught me more than I dreamed possible when I landed in Delhi. You have opened my eyes to new cultures, new beliefs, and new perspectives. Thank you for teaching me that life never goes as planned and that an open mind and flexible attitude can get one through almost anything. You taught… Read More

An Indian Sunrise to Begin & End the Week

Our week began and culminated with 2 incredible sunrises. On Sunday morning, we sleepily stumbled into rickshaws at 5:45 AM to head to the Taj Mahal. We were able to beat the crowds and the scorching mid-day heat. In true Indian fashion, we had to experience some sort of chaos before actually getting in! The security line was hectic and extremely unorganized, but it was well worth the wait. The… Read More