Hello from the Shark Capital of the World

Stepping off the plane into South Africa, I did not know what this country had to offer. I walked out of customs to find the other Latitudes student Olivia awaiting me, we would be driving to Marine Dynamics in Gansbaai our home for the next 10 weeks together. It was a 2 hour drive filled with amazing scenery, it was if we were in New Zealand one minute, the Tanzanian… Read More

Student Directed Travel

The two bus rides were fun, however the real fun began the next day with a trip to the Amboni Caves. There were many cool things inside the caves including a chamber where a man hid during the Maji Maji rebellion. There was also a statue of Mary, a map of Africa and a natural mosque all made out of stone. The next day we went traditional fishing with local… Read More

Gratitude Post

First off I would like to thank my parents John and Susan as well as my sister Marge, for helping to shape the person I have become today, I’d also like to thank my grandparents Idea, Joe, Jim and Eileen for teaching me all the things a grandparent must teach a grandchild, also I’d like to thank all my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, for everything they have done for me… Read More

Jinja Town

We’ve been in Jinja Town for two days now. Africa has been a blast, it may be loud, but it is also very colorful. The time difference has been a little tough as late nights have occurred. However, that is only a minor dilemma. Right now we are on a scavenger hunt to acquaint ourselves with the culture of Jinja Town. Sorry there are no pictures but, they’ll come on… Read More