Arriving in Fiji!

Hongi group arrived in Nadi, Fiji early Saturday morning. We traveled by bus to Tubakula Beach Bungalow. We immediately dropped our things off and decided we wanted food so we needed to go grocery shopping in town. We headed off to the nearest town, Sigatoka, got our groceries and then were paired into two’s and started a scavenger hunt. Certain tasks on the scavenger hunt included; visiting the Hindu temple, bargaining for a sulu, explore and compare the local market and the grocery store, and ask locals questions about their government. On Sunday we started various orientation games and activities which let us get to know each other. Monday we had a free day and decided to go to the Colo-i-Suva rainforest. We walked down a trail and were leaded to a pool with multiple waterfalls and a rope swing. The scene was incredible!