Hello Group Aloha!

Hello parents and students alike from Forrest and Stace, Carpe Diem’s Fall 2022 Hawai’i OEs!

We write to you from Carpe Diem staff training in sunny (for the most part) Portland, Oregon. Here we find ourselves working to put the finishing touches on our upcoming adventure together, getting to know each other better, as well as relaxing, recharging, and having some much needed fun!

With just under one week until take off, we’re excited to meet each and every one of our students! We look forward to the laughs and challenges that are sure to arise during our journey, along with the beautiful beach sunrises and sunsets. We’re coming into this moment with open minds, open hearts, and open ears, in order to best help our students (and ourselves!) learn and grow and experience the magical lands, people, and culture of Hawai’i.

We hope that all of our students enjoy their last few days in the states, whether it be relaxing with family or spending time with friends, and that they are as excited as we are to hit the ground running in Maui!

In Gratitude,

Forrest and Stace