Hello All,
So in Zanzibar YAY! But some belated updates are much needed. Apologies for being behind.
The group’s last service project was completed April 16-21, Soft Power. Soft power works to improve government schools in the Jinja area. The group spent a week staying at one such school. We lived communally in one of the classrooms. We were blessed to have a lovely cook named Betty and supervisor named Musa living with us.
The group’s time was spent painting teaching aids in all of the classrooms of the school. Soft power had hoped for us to paint five classrooms. We ended up going above and beyond and completed all nine of the school’s classrooms, as well as life advice slogans on the outside walls of the school. Creativity and artistry came out. Some of the group’s finest projects were a world map, the cardiovascular system, and the internal parts of a chicken!
Highlights of the week including spending with the children, the local nightwatchman dancing, and the delicious local food cooked by the school cook! (yummyyyy g-nut and sweet potatoes) The good bye at Soft Power was bittersweet. Even in that short amount of time bonds were formed with the kid, but good-bye also meant the start of free travel!!!
Unfortunately free travel started with a knee injury for Gisele (that she is now healing like a champ from). The group was forced to split, and Gisele and Oren remained in Jinja for a night to handle her injury. The rest of the group continued on the Ce Ce Islands on Lake Victoria. The ferry ride to the islands was beautiful. The group even got to ride VIP on the upper deck, not realizing it was the VIP section! Oops! The view was great though. After arriving on the island the group hit a few speed bumps finding a place to stay, but eventually settled into a nice beach cottage.
The next day was spent exploring the island a photographing wildlife and local life. The group also went a sunset canoe ride. It was spectacular. After the canoe ride the group was thankful to be reunited with Oren and Gisele for a large local meal of passion juice, sweet potatoes, and fish!!!
The following morning say us up bright an early to catch a ferry back to Entebbe. The group spent the day in Entebbe exploring with a friend from the Rhino Sanctuary, the lovely Peace. Peace and her family fed, sang, and danced for us. We could not have asked for more lively and fun hosts. Then we headed out to the airport for our very early 5 am flight to the Spice Island of Zanzibar! Wahoo look for those adventures soon! 😉