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Our second week in Arequipa, Peru comes to its close in just seven hours. The week was filled with activities for Semana Santa, Holy week leading up to Easter (Today!). We sampled different fruit juices and various cow parts being sold in the streets as we joined the masses (pun) in a city wide crawl from church to church.

A few days ago, we enjoyed a goodbye party at the little girls´orphanage we had spent the weeks painting. We feasted on pizza and sipped Inca Kola as we endured our final tickle attacks from the niñas. It was hard to say goodbye, but we were all thrilled to have been part of a really great volunteer project and to know we had impacted the children positively. Now, we just have to day left to visit our favorite spots in the city one last time, pack our bags, and head to the bus terminal, where we will board for a ten hour long ride to Cuzco! Woo exciting!
