
We’re stopped in Kabale to pick up some fruit at the market and some cookies at the bakery while en route to Edirisa’s Special Needs Education Center (SNEC). I’m sort of short on time but here’s some stuff everyone had to say:

Chris- I got to teach 2 classes in primary school. I taught science in P3 and social studies in P4. I love the entire Edirisa program and what it has to offer. I’ve been eating a lot healthier and have not had bacon in a month.

Izzy- The lake is beautiful and Miha and Edirisa make me optimistic about Uganda’s future.

Zoe-Halfway through the trip and I already feel like I have changed so much. I can’t wait for the amazing experiences of the second half.

Jessie-Kids from the school attacked my back yelling “mkoko! mkoko!” (chicken! chicken!), trying to scratch off my tattoo.

Alexa- The Edirisa program is absolutely amazing. I hope I get to come back here someday because they truly are making a difference. I also got to play with the babies in the nursery and help out. Playing and being with them just made my day. They are so cute!

Vicky- These past few days have been so awesome! I loved our “free travel” to Lake Mburo and Mt. Mgahinga National Park. I can’t wait for the rest of the activities we will be having with Edirisa. Yay!

Will-Visiting all of the national parks (and climbing Mt. Sabinyo) was absolutely stunning and really helped give me a new perspective on the diversity of Uganda’s landscape. Also, I am really excited to be working at Edirisa, they seem to be making a big difference in the community.

Taylor-Having a great time…learning a lot, seeing and smelling a lot. The landscape is pretty breathtaking. Will never look at lightning the same. Lake Bunyoni is really peaceful. Feeling very lucky. Love to everyone at home in the states, you’re all in my thoughts. I have never eaten so many bananas in all my life. And also.. Trick or Treat! Smell my feet.

Charlotte- Uganda offered a wide array of experiences and opportunities that we took full advantage of. As we pass the halfway point, we are excited for what lies ahead. Love you Mom and Dad!

Karen- Never in my life has the responsibility to fulfill opportunity meant so much to me. I firmly believe if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen; however, it is so difficult to accomplish with the lack of loyal, honest and compassionate community. Africa is beautiful and needs love just like the rest of our globe.

Cliff- “As you start on your way to Ithaca, then pray that the journey is long…” Time is flying by, as usual. Even as the adventure takes on a life of its own, the next adventure is already beginning to take shape. Sleeping under mosquito nets reminds me of the bed-tent I had as a child, and learning every day means that I sleep soundly at night.

Hopefully we’ll be able to get another blog out on Friday to tell you all about free travel and what’s been going on so far at Edirisa. Asante sana for reading!
