Greetings yet again from the city of Leon as we wind up week two in this beautiful ciudad de Nicaragaua. Youve already heard from Becca–alright from the open door to my right i just witnessed my first Nicaraguan ¨ding dong ditch¨. I hope everyone else can find this as ammusing as I am, proof that where ever you are life is more similiar then different (atleast in my opinion), and kids will be kids. Monday night was quite an adventure for Ernest, Liza, and I, we set out to get our ears pierced at a local tienda of sorts (cute i know), each adding an additional hole to our lobes (in Ernest´s case 2)..sorry for any families i may be prematurely releasing this news to. come to think of it i should probably buy Ernie some alcohol swabs and help him keep those new studs clean. Wednesday, Eliza and I had the pleasure of killing or our own lunch! honestly, if i could kill my lunch everyday i would. we came home to about 20 crabs scampering around our kitchen, the result was a few knives, hammers, and fresh crab and frijole soup the next day. DELICIOUSO!I cant speak for everyone but Eliza and I are more then thankful for our new family and friends we´ve made here in Leon. our family for lack of a better word is the shit, and we cant wait to stay in touch with our new brothers Carlos and Ryan. My almuerzo calls from down the street. enjoy the pics and now all your chicklings are safe, happy, and lovin the constant sweat mustaches dripping from our upper lip. hasta pronto! (maybe too pronto)

 the amazing murals surrounding Leons streets im lucky enough to look at every day


 Eliza and I at the beach.. and remind me how im getting college credit for this??

 no tears..

our family cookin crabs in the kitchen.

thanks! -Ella