Our beautiful home in San Marcos! Can we go back please?The beautiful Playa Roca at sunset. Just a 20 minute ride outside of Leon!Katie P, Becca G, Rebecca, and Adrienne sharing a romantic sunset togetherThe gang at our favorite local restaurant in Leon, Don Jacks. Shoutout to former Carpe student Lucy! enjoy the rest of your time in Leon!Larry, Rebecca, Katie and Becca enjoying a break from the humidity at the beach.A view to die for, and also some delicious fresh mango juice!Jonathan finally making friends!A nice and toasty tour of the biggest Cathedral in Central America… Becca G is obviously enjoying herself.First day in Leon, emotions and temperatures ran high.When in San Marcos…Ally and Jonathan enjoying the unreal view of Lago Atitlan from the town of San Pedro.….adios goldie locks¿disculpe señor, donde esta tu pelo?Two Katies soakin up the San Marcos sun!Shout out to Russell Huang, for being the most curageous swan diver of all time.The group feeling very zen after an hour and a half long musical therapy session. OMMMMMMMM