So Long to the Dong, We Bid our Fairwell

Remember that time we sat in the airport for hella hours?…..Sinjaow from Ho Chi Minh! We arrived from Phu Quoc at around 5pm and have been sitting in the airport, patiently waiting for our next flight at 12am. Good times with good people, but not underwater this time. We cannot even begin to express the number of memories cultivated throughout this voyage abroad, but we probably should just write them because we have the time… So… Remember that time….

-We got dropped off on the side of the highway, led to a river below an underpass and loaded into sketchy canoes that almost capsized when it was pitch black and raining.

-When we read the awkward journal…..well that was awkward

-When our group at 50 squid burgers in the course of one week in Phu Quoc.

-All our stomachs gave out with a month left in the trip

-When we celebrated 7 birthdays

-When we ate all the snickers at the local market

-When Ryan drank bus water at the airport

-When there was no longer a Gareth on the trip… Where Garth thou?

-When the only three Vietnamese words we knew were, hello, thank you and rabies

-When we killed the queen termite.YES!

-When the cat pooped on Tangley…Twice

-When we couldn’t go anywhere without finding baby animals

-When Sonya told us she wears socks and crocs.

-When Rachel went crazy from too much juice.

-When we had to vote to take out the “no-hookup” rule, and stages got vetoed

-When there was only one more hour before we could check in to wait 4 more hours?

-When Josie got poked by a Vietnamese doctor and then given medicine for acid-reflux (she did not take it)

-When Adam got taught how to eat Pho by a Vietnamese grandma

-The time Heather bought a coconut

-When Roman didn’t know where we were going.

-When Roman still didn’t know where we were going.

-Italian food on Thanksgiving. Yay America!

-When Noel got bit by a rat

-The time Heather bought a coconut

-The night we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Pt. 2 and ate cereal

-When Alex said Petchara (our language teacher) would be a damn good wife

-When we ate 66 cent Pad Thai

-When Josie and Alex realized they had a mutual acquaintance… on the last day

-The time Heather bought a coconut

-The time the female janitor was using the stall next to Gareth

-The time Anna peaced

We would all like to thank everyone who has made this experience possible. From our parents and family members for supporting us to make it here and throughout our journey. Also to the Carpe Staff, Mike our amazingly tall program director, Adam Gum$ Fischer and Coconut Fiend Heather for their guidance, knowledge and good timez during these past few months. Also a very sincere shout out to Ethan for being a metaphorical and literal boss, waddup E.

Carpe Diem Roll Call (to be fair Anna and Roman were not present, they are already off on their solo adventures and Rachel was sleeping):

Nilda, David, Heather, Koji, Steve, Kathleen, Lily, Otosan, Nancy, Ross, Robert, Haigles, Petchara, Homestay Families, Marcy, Bob and Maria, Rand and Rhonda, Debbie, Phil, Phil, Nikki, Noels Lax Bros, The Academy, Drew and the entire Carpe Extended Family.

Sawadee ka/krap !!