Hi everyone! The group had a very busy and fun week in the Intag region. We started off getting oriented to small town life in Morachos, where we had some group bonding time by dancing…
Here, we also saw (and heard) all sorts of fun animals…
We went on hike to visit the beautiful lake Cotocatchi.(Yes, again, it was fun).
This time we all went on a boat ride, where Ryan, Joseph, Austin, Josh and solita Cecelia were brave enough to swim in the 12 degree (celcius) water.

After a few short days, we headed to Pucará! It was a great time, being with the members of this small community and learning about agriculture. We did all sorts of fun work….

It was certainly challenging at some points, like planting 170ish trees on a steep hill.

I personally loved the host family aspect of it, and everyone loved going over to Consuelo and Heladio’s to eat!
After our week of working and learning, we took a hike through the cloud forest to learn more about the threats to this beautiful and biodiverse area.

And after all our goodbyes were said, we went to a beautiful hostel with a pool that was a short walk away from some natural hot piscinas. It was a wonderful way to wrap our experiences.

Hope everything is well in the States! We are taking an overnight bus tonight to the coast where we will be working on an organic farm. It sounds like we won’t have internet access there either, so take care friends and family!