Katie S ran into some old family friends in Granada! It really is a small world.A Cafe In Granada employed by only deaf-mute peeople. Kind of a struggle to order, but a really cool experience!Picture perfect sunset at Playa Roca, Nicaragua.Ally and Katie S enjoying the sunset.Corey sippin on a fresca while other members of the group sat in the waves.Girl, why so sandy?A perfect afternoon on the beach. Fanta, and life of Pi.The only part of the Ruben Dario museum we were allowed to take photos of. Leon, Nicaragua.Look ma, no hair!Happy 19th birthday Corey! We celebrated in our favorite cafe in San Marcos with some awesome people.Katie B courageously jumping off the dock into Lake Atitlan.Katie P casually doing yoga on Lake Atitlan.Becca G and her beautiful hair on lake atitlan.Katie S (pre haircut) on Lake atitlan.It was too beautiful to believe. Lake Atitlan.The kind of signs we were seeing in San MArcos. Its a way of life…Not a bad view for lunch!Yummy street side markey in San MArcosRecycled artwork in San MArcosKatie P KAtie s and becca G enjoying the view and relishing the fact that the trekk was over!Becca G and Katie S enjoying the view of Xela, Guatemala from the top!Katie B and Katie S with their wonderful host family!Becca G, Katie S and Katie P on top of the world!