PHOTOS in yo face

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Hey loves! We are in Gangtok and it’s beautiful here. We just passed the one-month mark so it seems like a good time to post some photos. The internet is crazy slow. For a moment I thought I would be stuck with this single photo of us at the airport.

Jane 002Rickshaws in Delhi! We didn’t know where we were going and then we ended up shopping for two hours. It happens.

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At the Red Fort with some adorable people. We got caught in the rain and were all SO WET.

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This is a monkey.

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Natalie and Dinah pet some cows in Jaipur.

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Snake-charmin’ and such.Jane 006

At an art galary. WE ARE SO CULTURED.

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This photo does not capture the craziness that was our train ride from Jaipur to Varanasi. An entire family joined us, singing and playing instruments, and then doing henna! It was mostly pleasant, until we wanted to sleep…


Jane 017 Jane 016 Jane 015In Varanasi we spent a lot of time near and on the Ganges, including getting absolutely soaked on a boat ride.


Jane 019Angie, James, and I took music lessons in Varanasi.
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In Bodghaya at the Om Cafe. We drink a lot of soda here BECAUSE.

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After visiting the Buddha Cave in Bodghaya, we climbed a mountain. Some of our braver members climbed this higher mountain. MOUNTAINS.

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A standout in Kolkata was the public transportation. Here we are on the bus on the way to Shanti Dan where we volunteered with disabled women.

Jane 027In Kolkata we went to KALI GHAT for Durga Purga/Duja Puja. This involved going inside a temple where many goats had been slaughtered, sacrificed to Kali, and being painted with red paint (goats blood?)

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During the wait to get inside the temple we saw this cute baby.

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On our last day in Kolkata we went to the Victoria Memorial.

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Probably a more impressive photo than the last.

Jane 044We ended up staying by the memorial for three hours because LOOK HOW PRETTY.

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In Gangtok we are volunteering at a rehab center. The first day we wowed them with our musical prowess, and general good-looks.

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Hannah and Jaimie play “24” with some men at the rehab center. We also play a lot of football and frisbee.

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Here is Dinah at the rehab center looking beautiful and bald.

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It’s nice here.

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Allison refused to touch any stray animals until she saw this pretty kitty.

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And then she picked it up and it loved her!

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These hills are a pain to walk up. Thank god they’re pretty AM I RIGHT??


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I took this photo about 3 hours ago, right before I started attempting to upload this blog.