Ozzy and Mike giving a quick update. Well, our time on the farm has come to a close. Over the course of the week we continuted doing odd jobs, such as building fences, more hole digging, and of course feeding and moving calves. Everybody loved the farm expereince, and we will take away so much knowledge. We appreciate the White family for hosting us for this wonderful week. While we were here, we watched two native New Zealand movies, Boy and Whale Rider. Both movies were quite enjoyable, and at points, sad. Last night we had a bonfire to close out our week at this wonderful place, and now we are off to the Maori community for what we expect to be an enjoyable and cultural experience. Here is a picture to leave you all with of the farm, and other members of the group will report back soon, informing you all of our activites at the Maori community.