I just want to take a minute and write a little about a friend of mine before I get to the blog. Ori Gutin is an individual you all need to meet. He is hands down the best guy Ive ever met. Nice, funny, kind, loving, caring, handsome, and charming. If you havent gotten the chance to meet Ori, youre missing out. Now onto the blog…
Greetings from New Zealand!!
After our final two days in Fiji and many tearful farewells we headed to the beautiful city of Auckland and began to adjust to the developed, busy city life. Here are some awesome haikus describing our experience of the change of scenery:
Nananu my home Our time here was short I love Nananu
So much love and memories We ate lots of scones with With all their hugs and laughter
Hope to see you soon We will go back soon Can’t wait to be back
Losing paradise Good times in Fiji Leaving our comfort
But living in this moment We will miss our families Returning to the new world
With it’s brand new skies But great fun ahead Unsure happiness
Bye goodnight kisses Big big city life I will miss the nows
Bye bulas, moce- moces Trade bare feet for some closed shoes The people were amazing
Goodbye Nananu Check before you cross I love Nananu
Island to island Hard leaving warm home Dashing through the snow
The land of the long white cloud Vague familiarity On a one horsed open sleigh
Heavenly we are here Try to reconnect O’er the fields we go