Written by Nora Thomas, 2024-25 Latitudes Student
So far this semester, I’ve spent my time traveling about the whole of Namibia!! I started my time by flying into Windhoek to be transferred to the main volunteer site at Na/ankuse. I spent two weeks are the main camp and got to participate in Anti Poaching Unit sleep out, carnivore feeding, and baboon walks. During my time here, I was able to interact and meet a lot of the other volunteers.
After this, I transferred to the Coastal project, which I can say has been my favorite project so far. After that, I moved to the Kanaan and Neuras projects, where I got to experience the Namibian desert and the dead tree forest. It was mind-blowing to see such a barren landscape. I then moved to the Harnas Project, where I saw so many lions and encountered my first rhinos in Namibia. I am now gearing up to transfer to the Timbila project to close out my time in Namibia. In total, I’ve been able to experience the country completely by traveling to the west, south, and north while seeing so much wildlife.
Challenges Along the Journey
As is common with most solo travel, the challenges can seem endless. I found that I specifically struggled with relating to so many different people from around the world. The more people you meet, the more you learn about their perceptions of other parts of the world, and it can be a difficult challenge to navigate or challenge those perceptions.
Another challenge I faced was understanding the dynamics behind why some animals were kept in certain reserves. It can be hard to understand other people’s choices and decisions while still enjoying your experience, even when you disagree. This was a skill I had to work on and learned a lot from during my time here.
Memorable Highlights
My time in Namibia has been filled with countless unforgettable moments. As simple as it sounds, just seeing the African bush every day is amazing. Casually going on game drives and seeing loads of giraffes and zebras is mind-blowing—sometimes, they don’t even seem real! I’ve loved getting the chance to experience so many different aspects and environments of the country.
Looking Ahead with Gratitude
I am most looking forward to continuing my time volunteering in Africa. The continent has so much beauty, and I am excited to see even more. My next project is with the SAVE! Foundation, and I’m excited to switch it up a little by doing some humanitarian work.
I’m extremely grateful for the modern blessings I’ve had along the way.I’m grateful that I have been able to keep in touch with my family during my travels and also to be able to communicate with Doug over any worries, questions, or exciting things that have happened.
Overall, I’ve had an incredible start to my time in Africa!
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