Howdy y’all,
Greetings from sunny Nicaragua! Currently we’re finishing up voulnteering at a permaculture farm in Omatepe, a small island made up of two massive volcanos. Our daily routine consists of an early 6:30am wake up, and then we make ourselves useful for 4 hours grating poop, chopping up termite nests, or whatever else the farm needs. In the afternoon we either get free time or take part in various workshops, such as basket weaving and making ferments (strictly alchol free of course). On Saturday we went on a horseback ride on the beach, leaving us bruised and battered, but smiling ear to ear. For many in the group it was their first time on a horse, giving them a chance to conquer their fear. As last week was Semana Santa (Holy Week) the island was alive with activity. The beach was packed, and we all got to see a bunch of different sport tournements, live music, and lots of fun vendors. Everyone’s super excited to start student directed travel on Saturday; first Grenada and the San Juan Del Sur! We’re all missing Chase and send warm wishes and prayers to his family. Happy 19th:) Until next week! Hasta luego,
(Happy 17th Emmy! My baby sisters growing up!!!)